• Question: why do you want to win ? What made you want to be a scientist ?

    Asked by loveevie to SarahJane, Ravi, Kinda, Janey P, Andrew on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      When i was younger my older sister lover dolphins, and because i thought she was really cool i loved dolphins too. But then i thought how can i work with dolphins and found out about marine biology.

      I want to win because I’m always asked to do talks and demonstrations to local schools but i dont have any cool experiments which are easy to move around. I could spend the money on getting a underwater camera we can go film in rock pools and in ponds and i can also buy some other equipment to run some experiments in the classroom such as how climate change is affecting our oceans, ocean acidification and coral bleaching. Then i want to have all this information available on a website so if we run out of time or you want to find out more you can check it all out online when you get home!

    • Photo: Andrew Manches

      Andrew Manches answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Because its my first step on the ladder to world domination. Not really. I mainly wanted to take part because teenagers tend to ask different and quite clever questions. I want to win because I would love to do my digital making day. And my mum would be ever so proud.

    • Photo: Jane Paget

      Jane Paget answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      For me I naturally enjoyed science at school and better at it than some other subjects. I am not sure which of the two came first. So I followed the path with the subjects I enjoyed. If I won I would donate the money to research treatments for tropical diseases which are less well funded (in sub-suharan africa) and to helping educate people into why such research needs to be done.
