• Question: why do u think you desurve to win?

    Asked by rinrin10 to SarahJane, Ravi, Kinda, Janey P, Andrew on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      I think i deserve to win as i have a passion for communicating science to young people. I always go to schools to do talks but i just think it would be more interesting for the students if i had a bit more equipment to show them the science rather than tell them. I’m sure you prefer your practical classes rather than the lectures where you just listen?

      i also think i have some stories to tell which show that science isn’t all super smart nerds who spend all day in the lab, anyone can be a scientist and it can be indoors, outdoors, underwater, up a mountain, in space… wherever you want to be!

    • Photo: Andrew Manches

      Andrew Manches answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Because I think there is much more for students and teachers to know about how digital technology can change education. Technology has changed so many areas of life – hospitals, businesses, research. It’s a shame that it is taking such a long time to change schools. There are many many ways to use technology well in school.

      I should win because by winning, people will see design and digital technology as science more than they do now.

    • Photo: Ravi Kopparapu

      Ravi Kopparapu answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      I don’t know if I *deserve* to win, but the prize money that I may win will definitely go to science communication. Especially to schools and public outreach event organizers, so that people like you can get more interested in science.

      In all the talks that I gave, I can clearly notice the awe and inspiration that is generated in the students when they see a cool science demonstration. I think everybody deserve *that* so my win would help a long way to achieve it.

    • Photo: Jane Paget

      Jane Paget answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      I love communicating science and its something I really wish to continue doing throughout my whole science career. I don’t know if I deserve to win. I would certainly put the money towards something I believe is worth while with regards to raising awareness of science. All I can say is I will try my best to answer questions, help out as much as possible and try to make sure the student get the most out of this great experience.

      I would absolutely love to win as it would just add the experience this provides.
