• Question: what seas have you been swimming in and what sea animals have you met

    Asked by sammy4567 to SarahJane on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Ive been in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Baltic, Mediterranean, Mexican gulf, North sea, Coral sea, Banda sea, Caribbean sea, South China sea, Thailand gulf,

      Lots and lots of waters!

      And I’ve seen all sorts of animals for whales, dolphins and sharks to turtles, sea snakes, giant grouper, tiny crabs, lobsters

      One of my favorites is the colorful sea slug called the nudibranch! They come in all kinds of colors and are quite hard to spot so always great to see them! http://moralcoral.wordpress.com/2012/06/04/curious-cratures-nudibranchs/

      what seas have you been swimming in and have you seen any amazing animals?
