• Question: what kind of bugs can contaminate foods from Africa?

    Asked by skyrimlord to Andrew, Janey P, Kinda, Ravi, SarahJane on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jane Paget

      Jane Paget answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Because African countries don’t have seasons that are accompanied with severe drops in temperature certain types of bacteria are able to grow and thrive more easily. The most common bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria and Clostridium perfringens can also be found in the UK but to a lesser extent. Taeniasis is also not uncommon and is acquired by eating tapeworm larval in undercooked pork or beef.

      In many African countries where people have to drink from rivers which are heavily contaminated can contract diseases like Schistosomiasis caused by parasitic worms . Unpasteurized dairy products can transmit diseases like tuberculosis.

    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      You might also get something bigger stray in with fruits such as bananas! they often find snakes, spiders and other creepy crawlys stowing away with these foods, they have to be checked really carefully when they enter the country so that they catch them all. Dont really fancy a deadly spider with my banoffee pie!
