• Question: what do you think is the most amazing discovery in your feild in the last century?

    Asked by scarlettpavlov to SarahJane, Ravi, Kinda, Janey P on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jane Paget

      Jane Paget answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      For me it is the discover that DNA is the molecule that carries the blue print for our genetic makeup. With such a discovery we could begin to understand many many aspects of health, evolution and genetics. Some of these things include aging, genetic disorders like downs syndrome, cancers, inheritance of genetic traits, the origins of species and the evolutionary relationship between different species. The avenues down which we could progress and understand from this discovery are truly endless

    • Photo: Ravi Kopparapu

      Ravi Kopparapu answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Discovery planets around other stars, especially planets that are in the habitable zone that can potentially have alien life on them (we don’t know yet). It would be a fundamental change in our thinking if we really find life on other planets.

    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      I think discovering the importance of marine plankton. These micro critters called phytoplankton are probably one of the most important creatures on earth and produce more than half of all the global oxygen in the world! without them life as we know it may not be possible! Which is why protecting them from global warming is so important!
