• Question: what criteria does technology have to have to be good?

    Asked by sambohr to Andrew on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Andrew Manches

      Andrew Manches answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Wow, clever question. It matters what you mean by good. For selling technology to adults its all about designing something they need and looks cool. So the iPad did very well – mostly because it has a nice design and worked reliably. Deigning for children is different because adults feel the need to help children learn certain things – especially for younger children. So you wouldn’t want a 4 year old watching a horror movie or just sitting doing nothing. People debate what is good for young children to do. Learn Maths? Do exercise? Learn to chat nicely to others? Technology that can help these things is considered good. But it is really a matter of opinion. What do you think technology should do to be good for a young child?
