• Question: So every now and then the ISS has to use it\'s thrusters to boost it\'s orbit up due to air resistance. My question is, if you were floating inside the station, not touching anything just floating in the air, and the thrusters were fired would the person floating get pushed against the floor/wall/ceiling because the station is moving? Also, Kirk or Picard?

    Asked by voyager1 to Ravi on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Ravi Kopparapu

      Ravi Kopparapu answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      That is correct, the thrusters make the space station move while the floating person is stationary. So if they are not holding onto anything, they will hit the floor/wall or whichever the direction opposite of the thrusters.

      Kirk when engaging risky situations, Picard when diplomacy is needed 🙂
