• Question: if you had unlimitted funds, what would be your dream childrens toy to create

    Asked by scarlettpavlov to Andrew on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Andrew Manches

      Andrew Manches answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      It would be something that children could use to build other things. I love Lego for this reason, but only when children build their own thing – not just follow the instructions. Lego NXT is a great way to build using digital technology. However, it is still a bit tricky to use. I would want something that was cheaper and is really simple to use – so anyone from a 5 year old to an adult can start thinking of what to build.

      One of the most exciting research in my field is ‘digital clay’. They are designing ways that you can mould digital technology like you can clay. So you can build a car with your hands and then decide to add lights, motors, sensors etc. Haven’t explained it well but it fab, trust me. Probably another 10 years though.
