• Question: how much roughly do you get payed?

    Asked by brookekirkhamx to Andrew, Janey P, Kinda, Ravi, SarahJane on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      At the moment not that much i get the equivalent of £18,000 a year, so after tax that’s about £1,100 a month, which might sound like a lot but its not! But i get all my traveling for free so that kinda makes it worth while. Hopefully next year when i finish my PhD i will go up to around £25,000 which is a lot more! some scientists can earn up to £60,000 or more!

    • Photo: Andrew Manches

      Andrew Manches answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Gosh, don’t even tell my mum this. It’s similar to a teacher – maybe a bit more to make up for the years earning little at the start. Less than a rock star.

    • Photo: Jane Paget

      Jane Paget answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Ooo what a question. Research is definitely something you do cos you love the subject. You get to travel, meet lots of people and be at the forefront of new and exciting discoveries. You don’t do it for the pay.

    • Photo: Kinda Al-Hourani

      Kinda Al-Hourani answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      As a student, I get paid about the same as Sarah-Jane, around £18,000 a year, and this goes up quite bit if you choose to work after your PhD. It’s enough to live on, but not a massive salary. However, like Janey says, people tend to get into research because they love it and have a real interest in the science, rather than for the money. Luckily, this means that you usually work with truly passionate people who really enjoy their jobs and this kind of infectious enthusiasm/positive vibe is impossible to buy!
