• Question: how do you protect food from bug contamination?

    Asked by skyrimlord to Andrew, Janey P, Kinda, Ravi, SarahJane on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jane Paget

      Jane Paget answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      It is almost impossible to completely protect your food from every single microbe. Food needs to initially be packed in a sterile enviroment. Cooking at sufficiently high temperatures kills most bacteria. Keeping food it in the fridge or freezer slows bacterial growth. So overall its all about temp control to minimize/ prevent contamination. But over time microbes will grow on the food and will become inedible.

    • Photo: Sarah-Jane Walsh

      Sarah-Jane Walsh answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      Depends what kind of bugs…. bacterial ones of big creepy ones like ants!! for the big ones dont leave it out overnight, once i left a cake out and the next day it was black with ants…. ewwwww
