• Question: Does the human brain makes someone look 5 times prettier?

    Asked by amyboote to Andrew on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Andrew Manches

      Andrew Manches answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Not heard this before. And need a bit of help with the question. Do you mean our brain makes us see someone 5 times prettier than they really are? If you mean that, then you are asking a philosophical question because how can we say how pretty someone really is? Who is the judge of that? Pretty is subjective – that means it depends upon opinion. In some places it is very pretty if you have a very long neck. Not that long ago it was much more attractive to be curvy – it showed you had wealth to eat.

      What we do know is that on a very general level we are attracted to average faces. That means if you enter many faces into a computer and averaged out all the features, you get a face that most people say is pretty. Scientists believe this is because it is a sign of being healthy – you have mixed history of genes.

      But no-one really knows, and the truth is you really are as pretty as you feel – other people’s opinions are just that. not sure I answered your question!
